
Quality Assurance:

Raw Material to finished products are tested Chemically, Physically and Mechanically. The Quality Department is completely responsible for the finished products in all Quality aspects.

Laboratory Facilities :
We have NABL Calibrated Testing Lab, equipped with UTM, SPECTRO, Impact Testing, Hardness Testing, coat guage and other allied Instruments.

Raw Material Testing :
We take utmost care in the raw material test, as we purchase the same from very reputed/approved raw material sources in bulk and the same is getting tested as per relevant national & International specifications to ensure the quality of finish product.

Inprocess Inspection :
We have quality conscious skilled staff those look after the production process at every stage according to the required parameters and standard specifications right from the raw material, during the whole production process, as per ISO 9001-2008 Instructions.

Unuversal Testing Machine
UTM Machine
Impact Testing Machine